Davis Dyslexia Correction® for Children
The Davis Dyslexia Correction® for Children is a hands on, creative approach suitable for individuals over 8+ years who, despite being bright and intelligent, experiences challenges and anxiety in some of the following areas:
Reading - difficult or stressful and below grade level
Reading comprehension is weak
Word recognition - inconsistent mistakes or omissions of sight words
Spelling - vowels omitted, phonetic spelling
Focus and attention - poor with school work, yet strong with play and sports
Anxious and frustrated with school and homework
Alphabet symbol recognition - confusions
Writing or printing - often messy with reversals of letters
Self esteem and confidence depleted
Following instructions - spoken or written
Balance and co-ordination - clumsiness and left/right confusions
The gains made during the week long Davis® Program include:
Increase in reading level and frustration reduces
Comprehension during reading improves
Attention and mental clarity through focus skills
Stress management and self regulation gains
Anxiety reduces; happy to go to school
Mastery and recognition of alphabet symbols
Develop trust in their own ability to learn
Confidence and self worth improves
Spelling and punctuation
Pronunciation and dictionary skills
Following instructions and sequencing is easier
Homework requires less support and takes less time
Davis Dyslexia Correction® Program consists of:
Pre screening 2-3 hour Initial Assessment:
To establish suitability of Davis® methods for child
Perceptual Ability test and Symptoms Profile
Assess reading level and comprehension
Establish program requirements, goals, and child’s motivation
The Program consists of:
One week, 30 hours of one-to-one facilitation designed for visual-spatial or kinesthetic learner
Program is tailored to the child’s goals; addressing issues with reading fluency, comprehension, writing, spelling…
Perceptual tools to maintain focus, reduce frustration, improve self regulation
Creative experiential learning paced comfortably for your child
Training for parent to continue support following the program
Following the Davis Dyslexia Correction® for Children Program you’ll be provided with:
All materials required for the program and for the ongoing home support
Training for parent or tutor for home support
Program documents, referral forms and information
Three, 2 hour post program review sessions for child with the facilitator
Continued email and phone support with facilitator, as required